MHA Caves Wealth Quarterly – Summer 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of Caves Quarterly, where we review key market and financial news from the last few months, and look ahead to the future. The main focus of the last quarter has been the raft of democratic elections that have taken place across the globe. The UK election delivered a landslide win…

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Succession: have you got a plan?

It is not only fictional multinational media empires that need to consider future ownership and control. In 2023, the question of how to transfer control of a large, high profile family organisation gripped attention. First the Sky Atlantic series, Succession, drew us in, followed by its inspiration, the transfer of the Fox and News Corporation…

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Protecting your health

Private healthcare options are on the rise as more people are looking at alternatives to the NHS through personal or workplace provision.  Protection and insurance products can provide access to some primary healthcare options, such as GP and dental services, and often contribute towards the cost.  There are significant differences between providers and products in…

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Costs of living in retirement increase

Savers need to build up more funds if they want to secure a decent standard of living in retirement.  An independent pensions body has updated its calculations on how much money people need to fund a basic, moderate or comfortable lifestyle in retirement. Rising food and energy costs, plus the fact more people want to…

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The renewed case for ISAs

  Improved terms, together with the erosion of tax allowances elsewhere, are making ISAs a favourable option for the new tax year.   Since their launch, successive Chancellors have made revisions to Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs). Before his Budget proposal of an extra £5,000 for a ‘UK ISA’, the current Chancellor made arguably his biggest…

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MHA Caves Wealth Quarterly – Spring 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to the latest edition of Caves Quarterly, where we review key market and financial news from the last few months, and look ahead to the future. In this edition, we explore the main takeaways from the Spring Budget, as well as the probable lowering of interest rates in 2024 and potential effects on your…

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Why Wills Matter: Intestacy Rules Change Delay

The intestacy rules for England and Wales have been changed…belatedly and with real consequences for some estates.  If you do not have a valid will then the decisions about what happens to your estate on your death are governed by the laws of intestacy. These may not work as you might hope or expect them…

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A Guaranteed Income for Life Attracts More Interest

Rising interest rates are changing retirement income perspectives.   Three years ago was another era when it comes to interest rates. The Bank of England’s Bank Rate was just 0.1% in December 2020 when a government bond maturing in 2035 delivered a gilt-edged annual return of less than 0.4%. Today’s 15-year gilt offers around 5%.…

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New Takes on Retirement Planning

At what age should you start actively planning for your retirement?  The answer is now 36 years old, according to research undertaken by a major pension provider. By contrast, the starting age for today’s retirees averaged 49 years. Over half of that group now wishes that they had begun planning earlier.   There are some…

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How Expensive Are your Habits?

  This new year, make time to review your regular payments such as subscription services – you may be spending more than you think.        Many content providers for example – from Netflix and Disney+ to Spotify – have increased monthly fees over the past year. However, it’s not just entertainment platforms looking…

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